20 januari 2006

Tyranny of Diversity also in Law Firms (Law & Justice)

"Wal-Mart Stores Inc., a consumer of approximately $200 million in legal services annually, announced this past fall that it had fired one of its outside law firms - not because of the quality of its legal work but because the firm failed to meet statistical recruitment and retention goals for minority and women attorneys. Many other corporations are threatening to do the same with respect to their outside law firms."
Read the whole thing at Law.com.

On a personal note:
(1) when I was an attorney, the clients never (really never) asked what was our "diversity policy." They wanted to get the job done.
(2) As an inhouse counsel (company lawyer) , I never asked, and I never will, what the "diversity policy" is of my outside counsel. I want to get the job done as good as possible, whether it be by a male/female attorney, white/black/red/yellow/purple with red lines/orange with green spots etc.


At 9/5/24 16:38, Blogger Olsen said...



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